Recover Crash Logs

by - 14:44

Its 4.30 in the night (or just call it morning) and here I am discussing interesting issue I came across in PowerUp Game a couple of days back.

It happened to me for the second time that app crashed with a message "Power Up has stopped working". I didn't had my phone connected when the crash happened. So Bad. Or maybe not. I learned a couple of new things because of this. That's what I love about Open Source.

So,  I thought of applying a trick I found sometime back while going through StackOverflow questions. Here it goes,

1. Open your terminal or Command Prompt and connect your device on which crash happened.

2. Now we need to go to the location of adb. How to find it ?

Go to your Android Studio -> File -> Other Settings ->  Default Project Structure

You can find the location of sdk there.

3. Now we will recover the log cat. Come back to terminal.

cd sdk_location_you_copied
cd platform-tools                            
adb logcat AndroidRuntime:E  *:S 

You will see all the log cats. In case its running infinitely, just press Ctrl + C.

4. Now that you have your logcat, search for your package name in it. I searched "power" and was able to find all the crash that happened in Power Up recently on my device. 

I will be telling about how I handled the issue I found #234 in my next post.

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