Naggaro Hackathon

by - 18:25

Yesterday, I and my two friends participated in a competitive programming challenge on Hackerearth. It was tiring for us as the place we decided to meet was occupied and we had to change places while the competition was running. Also, we had to rely on mobile internet which unfortunately is not so good.

But we killed it !! We ranked in top 30 teams in India and we are invited for next round which is a Hackathon. Another hackathon !! Can't for it !!


It was really sad that one of my friend met with a accident. She is well now. We requested the organisers to allow a replacement and they gave the permission to change team member.

This Hackathon was organised at Naggaro Office Campus and it was amazing. We built a chatbot application using variety of APIs. We also built a Interest Ranker which analyse the Github profile of people to find the most popular technology among them.  

Our demo went really good. We asked the judges to ask question from chatbot and it gave a funny reply. Also, we made of list of Github profiles of all participants of Hackathon. We gave a live demo on this data.

Everyone was impressed. While waiting for results, every team assured us that we would be the winners. And we felt the same. 

But..we didn't won !! It was heartbreaking for us. And it hurts more when everyone was congratulating us before results. 

Anyway, it was good to know the mistakes. Judges told us that our product was not focused on central idea. We should had either focused entirely on chatbot or Interest Ranker. And indeed they were right. Though our demo was good and product was running great, winning team had more central and creative product.


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